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Chesapeake Bay Retriever               

My Recommended Dog Breed

Maryland's state dog is the most independent and toughest retriever. In fact, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers' ancestors were shipwrecked on the Chesapeake Bay coast. These dogs are strong, intense, and built for endurance.

As their name suggests, these dogs excel at water retrieving. Chesapeake Bay Retrievers (or “Chessies,” as their fans call them) are tough, powerful, and muscular. They are reliable working dogs who have even been trained to sniff out explosives!

An American original, this large and high-energy breed can grow to between 55-80 pounds and lives an average of 10-13 years. The breed is recognized by the American Kennel Club and classified as a member of the Sporting group.

AKC Recognized: Y
Breed's Original Pastime: Water retriever
Breed GroupSporting
Average Lifespan10-13 years
Size: Large
Bark FactorModerate


1) jogger: A dog that runs at slow pace /spanish: trotador, un perro que trota
2) breed: a type, race of dog /spanish: raza o tipo de perro
3) to hunt: chase prey/spanish: animal que caza, o perro que sirve para cazar
4) watchdog: a guard dog/spanish: perro guardian
5) grooming: brush the dog/spanish: cepillado o aseo del perro 
6) couch potato: a sedentary dog/spanish: perro sedentario, que no hace actividad fisica
7) affectionate: a dog that shows love/spanish: un perro afectuoso, que muestra amor
8) friendliness: a niceness dog/spanish: un perro amable, simpatico
9) laid-back approach:a dog with relaxed attitude/spanish: un perro relajado, tranquilo, con una actitud relajada
10) a round the clock- watchdog: a dog that protects and is alert all the time/spanish: un perro que esta alerta y protege siempre, todo el tiempo


This vet it's an ispiration to me beacuse no matter what, the conditions, or weather, or the day he always goes to the help of some animal, you need to see this show and your perspective on being a veterinarian will change forever

I love this show because i learn so much of how a seconds chances. Tia Maria Torres who created this organization, shows us that pit bulls are love dogsand breaks the scheme that thet are agressive dogs and the parolees deserveds a second chance in life

3) The Vet Life:
Thede three veterinariand are the best, they always have time to help their patients, i love them because they also work in a hospital that they created, inspires me to maybe one day have one with my colleagues, you should see it, they are also very funny
